quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2007

Isto é sobre resolução de problemas ou nem por isso, hein?*

* Ou bem- vindos ao meu blog dedicado à reflexão sobre problemas de Decisão e respectivos Sistemas de Informação

In Mr. Palomar’s life there was a period when his rule was this: first, to construct in his mind a model, the most perfect, logical, geometrical model possible; second, to see if the model is adapted to the practical situations observed in experience; third, to make the corrections necessary for model and reality to coincide.

(ITALO CALVINO, Mr. Palomar)

Fourth: I wonder if Mr. Palomar has already developed a model with enough strength to solve all the problems in his life, with no error component. At least it seems he has found a method …

(SOFIA MARQUES, a estaticista)

To be continued …

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